Tesla Model S – Wassereinbruch

27 Abonnenten

I recently purchased this model S from Tesla’s used inventory, and will be posting videos about it over the course of ownership. Mainly as my own reference.

The other day i took it for a wash, and it looked like some water was getting in on the drivers side. I was not entirely sure where, so i took it back for another wash. This time with cameras rolling.

This is not the first issue i have had since purchase. I’ve had to have a couple of issues fixed under warranty. There was some damage to a shear plate under the car that occurred during delivery, and i had the sunroof leak during a particularly bad rainstorm. Both issues were resolved quickly, and free of charge – although i’m scheduled for another appointment to replace a seat that had water damage from the sunroof leak.

Anyway, if you are thinking of purchasing a Tesla or Tesla Solar, use my referral code https://ts.la/paul15082 to get free perks. Go to https://www.tesla.com/support/referra… to see what referral offers Tesla is currently providing, and how to use a referral code.






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